PE Kit Letter for Parents and Carers
Letter from Mr Faulds for parents and carers.
Please see coronavirus related news below.
Letter from Mr Faulds for parents and carers.
We are all experiencing how hard it is in a mask, so we want to offer more outdoor lessons but do not have outdoor furniture. We are appealing for donations of good quality safe outdoor furniture. Please bring this to school if you can, larger items we can collect. Thank you.
Please read the following letter for sixth form parents and carers
Good afternoon
I do hope you are all well and keeping yourselves and others safe. A reminder that year 7, 8, 12 and 13 only are in on Wednesday except for those self isolating.
Thanks to our careful planning we report only one confirmed case in a child to date. Our thoughts are with them and their family at this frightening time. Please also remind your children to do their bit to eradicate COVID from our borough and to wear masks in shops as is the requirement of the lockdown. We look forward to welcoming our learners back to our school community.
Stay safe
Mr Jarvis
Please see the following letter from Mr. Jarvis
The following document is a guide to explain when people need to self-isolate and arrange a test.
Unfortunately, due to the unforeseen circumstances surrounding global travel and the postponement/cancellation of other trips being at St. Martin’s I have taken the decision to cancel the Italy trip for next year.
Please see the attached documents and feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Mr Richards
Please be advised that for all year groups, following recent changes to government guidance on the wearing of face coverings in schools, learners at St Martins School, will need to wear face coverings in communal areas and where social distancing cannot be maintained.
If a learner arrives without one we will happily provide one for them.
This will operate alongside the detailed strategies that have been provided in our letters during the summer holidays.
Please see the following letter from the Headteacher for the attention of parents and carers
Letter from Mr Jarvis regarding the re-opening of school in September 2020.
Good morning,
Following my latest letter to you regarding the return to school plans, two parents have emailed concerned regarding the breaks for learners being within the classroom where they will take their refreshments.
As a school we took this decision based on the fact that contact groups need to remain separate as much as possible. Our school dining hall is too small to avoid mass gatherings. As we only have one small dining hall and one even smaller bistro we could not keep children distanced or avoid cross contamination of contact groups. We are unable to segregate learners outside due to the physical nature of the site. Split breaks and lunches would reduce lesson time which is not permitted by WG. The alternative would be to reinstate reduced breaks and have all learners outside to take their refreshments, only entering for toilet breaks, but with the understanding that we could not then keep them within their contact groups and potentially the spread of the virus could happen. It should be noted that this would be in place regardless of weather conditions.
I would like to gain your views on this and ask for you to complete the short survey below