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Latest News Y Newyddion Diweddaraf

Latest News from St Martin's School

Page 42

  • Year 5 and 6 Open Evening - date change

    Published 05/09/16

    The Year 5 and 6 Open Evening will now take place on Thursday 22nd September at 6pm.  More information to follow shortly.

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  • Download our new app!

    Published 05/09/16

    Introducing our new app.  Never miss a website update from us again - get a notification straight to your phone!

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  • 2016 becomes a record breaking GCSE results year at St. Martin's School.

    Published 25/08/16

    Headteacher Mr Lee Jarvis was ecstatic when calculating the results of the 139 GCSE students who completed their GCSEs this year at St. Martin's School. 

    Records were broken in every category, meaning that more students than ever will have achieved the required grades to move onto their chosen career routes.

    This exceptional performance is particularly pleasing for the students and their families who have worked in partnership with St. Martin's staff throughout the year to help secure these impressive results.

    92% of students achieved 5A*-C grades, the highest number ever achieved by the school. This was 4% above the school target and 12% higher than the previous year.

    63.3% of students gained 5A*-C grades including English and Mathematics 10% higher than the previous year and once again the highest the school has ever achieved.

    Every student studying at St. Martin's school achieved at least 5 GCSE grades

    The number of students achieving the top grades of A and A* rose higher than any previous year with an 8% increase to 26% achieving 5 A or A* grades.

    Furthermore 10 students achieved straight A or A* grades at GCSE

    Bucking the national decline in those achieving top grades, the following students achieved straight A*s

    • Ieuan Reed
    • James Simon
    • Eiry Allender
    • Amy Bray
    • Rhys Coombes
    • Declan Flynn
    • Harry Hiscox
    • Emily Lloyd
    • Rhys Lloyd
    • Lauren Stokes

    The all important core subjects, of English, Mathematics and Science all attained their highest ever set of results, ensuring that those students graduating from the school are better prepared to move onto the Sixth Form, employment and further education.

    English increased its pass rate to 69% of students achieving a C grade or above this exceeded the target set by the school and increased the pass rate by 7% on last year’s results.

    Mathematics students also performed above expectations with 73% of students achieving a C grade or above

    Science students bucked national trends with 91% of students achieving a C grade or above.

    A proud Mr. Jarvis congratulated the students on achieving so highly and commended the staff for their outstanding work.

    Today's results are testament to their dedication and commitment.

    View our GCSE photo gallery here

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  • A Level Results 2016

    Published 22/08/16

    The students of St. Martin's Sixth Form Centre once again excelled in their AS and A level examinations.

    Those achieving the top grades of A* and A grade rose again by 2% testimony to the hard work and dedication of both the students and staff at the school.

    The Headteacher Mr Jarvis commended the partnership between parents, staff and students that is unique to a school based sixth form.

    Notable achievements from our Sixth Form students:

    • Joshua Walton - A* A* A* in Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics and will go on to study Medicine at Imperial College, London.
    • Eve Clune Clarkson - A* A A A in French, English Literature, Mathematics and Further Mathematics and will go onto study Mathematics and Continental Europe at University of Bristol.
    • Connor Arnold - A A A in Electronics, Geology and Geography and will go to study Geography and University of South Wales.
    • Casey Blundell - A B B in Media Studies, Information Technology and History and will go onto study Media and Journalism at University of South Wales.
    •  Sophie Ball - A B B in Media, History and Religious Studies and will go onto study Religious Studies at University of South Wales.
    • Eleri Cameron Waller - A B B in Geography, Biology and Religious Studies and will go on to study Primary Studies with QTS at University of South Wales.
    • Thomas Jones - A B B in Electronic, Geology and Information Technology and will go onto study Software Engineering at Cardiff Metropolitan University.

    New facilities open for September:

    St Martin's School has invested substantially this year to provide new accommodation for students to study at Post-16 level. 

    The impressive new Sixth Form Centre led by Miss Matthew, will officially open in September and will provide students wishing to continue their studies at Post-16 level with state of the art facilities within a dedicated building. 

    These facilities will include;

    • An independent study base equipped with 30 networked PCs loaded with all the software required for study at this higher level. 
    • A purpose built common room to support the social aspects of the Sixth Form community
    • A level science suite 
    • Newly refurbished Sixth Form teaching bases 
    • Sixth form refectory and courtyard garden
    • Dedicated student Wi-Fi
    • Designated Sixth Form car parking 

    We look forward to welcoming those students wishing to study at Post-16 level at St. Martin's Sixth Form Centre where high quality teaching is combined with personalised pastoral care. 

    For further details please contact Miss Matthew 

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  • Exam results day information and office opening times

    Published 18/07/16

    Please see the attached information regarding exam results day and office opening times.

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  • Governors' Annual Report to Parents 2014-15

    Published 18/07/16
    Please see the attached Governors' Annual Report to Parents 2014-15
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  • Polo Tops - Please send in Tuesday to donate to Kenyan Children

    Published 18/07/16

    On Tuesday 19th July, we will be collecting any clean, good quality polo tops that won't be part of the school uniform from September, for donation to Your support would be sincerely appreciated. Thank you.

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  • ShowMyHomework Update

    Published 13/07/16

    Dear Parent/Carer,

    As you know in November we launched a brand new homework tool called ShowMyHomework.  Following consultation from staff, students and yourselves we have decided to renew our contract with them and further embed ShowMyHomework in our daily routines.

    We thank you all for your time and effort in completing the survey and providing us with feedback.  We have looked at the results at length and read all suggestions given (see results below).  From September we will ensure -

    1. Further training is made available for students, staff and parents.
    2. Staff are consistent with the use of ShowMyHomework.
    3. PINs are reissued to those students who have yet to log in (and available upon request from reception, as they have been this year).
    4. There will be an opportunity for parents to meet with ShowMyHomework team to discuss any technical difficulties encountered.

    Many thanks for your ongoing support,

    Mrs. C. Manson                                           Mr. M. Lewis
    Assistant Headteacher                                Head of ICT/ESLT

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  • Internet Safety - Letter for parents

    Published 07/07/16

    We have received some concerning information regarding pupils safety on the internet.  

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  • Inset days

    Published 05/07/16

    Please note there will be 2 inset days at the start of the new term:

    • Thursday 1st September 2016
    • Friday 2nd September 2016
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  • Uniform

    Published 05/07/16

    Please see the information below for September 2016. 

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  • PTA Reminder: Donations for Machen Show

    Published 30/06/16

    Reminder donations needed please!

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