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St Martin's School

St Martin's School

Virtual Learning Site

Latest News [Y Newyddion Diweddaraf]

Latest News Y Newyddion Diweddaraf

Latest News from St Martin's School

Page 40

  • Annual Reporting Day - 14th November 2016

    Published 01/11/16

    Our annual reporting day will be held on Monday 14th November 2016.  During this day pupils and parent(s) will be required to attend an interview with their form tutor in order to discuss their academic and pastoral progress.  Please see the attached letter for further details.

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  • Sixth Form Open Evening - Thursday 10th November 2016

    Published 01/11/16

    St Martin's Sixth Form Open Evening will be held on Thursday, 10th November from 5-7.30pm.

    An opportunity to view our new Sixth Form Centre and discuss A level and BTEC subjects with staff.

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  • Canteen - Maintenance Work

    Published 01/11/16

    Apologies for the disruption to the catering provision at lunchtimes.

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  • Year 11 Mock Exams

    Published 31/10/16

    Year 11 mock exams will take place from Tuesday 15th November to Friday 18th November.

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  • Restart a Heart National Event - Year 7 and Sixth Formers

    Published 20/10/16

    On Tuesday, 18th October pupils in Year 7 and Sixth Formers took part in Restart a Heart.   This national event gave pupils the opportunity to be shown how to give CPR by Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust staff and volunteers. 

    The training was part of Restart a Heart Day, which aims to give people the skills to deal with someone who has suffered a cardiac arrest.

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  • Attendance information for Parents

    Published 17/10/16
    Please see the attached attendance information for parents.
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  • Year 7 Information requested by Aneurin Bevan University Health Board

    Published 07/10/16

    The School Health Service at Aneurin Bevan University Health Board (ABUHB) requires lists of all pupils in Year 7 to include, name, DOB, gender and address.  The information required is to be uploaded to the Health Board via a secure web portal.

     Schools have a responsibility to inform parents that information relating to their children will be shared with ABUHB for this purpose. Please could you contact the school by Friday, 14th October if you do not want your child's details (name, DoB, gender and address) to be shared with ABUHB.


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  • St Martin's School Inspection ReportĀ 

    Published 06/10/16

    Following a visit by her majesty's inspectors of schools on 14th, 15th and 16th September 2016, I am very proud to inform you that St Martin's School has been removed from the category of 'requiring significant improvement' that it was placed in when the inspectors visited the school in 2014.  For further details please see the attached letter from Mr L Jarvis, Headteacher

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  • Year 8 Football Match

    Published 05/10/16

    Today's Year 8 football match (Wednesday 5th October 2016) is away at Cardinal Newman and pupils will be back at school by 5pm.

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  • Year 8 Sponsored Swim - Update

    Published 04/10/16
    Wednesday 5 October 2016 Class 8A completed their sponsored swim in PE today. Their target was to swim 10km in two lessons as  a class.  In total they have beaten their target and have mananged to achieve a fantastic 14.32Km over the two
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  • Reminder - ShowMyHomework Support Evening

    Published 04/10/16

    To notify us of your intention to attend this event, please contact us via email, telephone 02920858050 or letter handed to your child's tutor.

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  • Cars parked on Mountain Road - concern raised by police

    Published 03/10/16

    Please be advised that we have been contacted by the police and asked to raise concerns in relation to cars dropping off students on Mountain Road on double yellow lines.

    The police have stated that they will be increasing their patrols in this area and issuing fixed penalty notices.


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