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St Martin's School

St Martin's School

Virtual Learning Site

Latest News [Y Newyddion Diweddaraf]

Latest News Y Newyddion Diweddaraf

Latest News from St Martin's School

Page 39

  • Argentina TripĀ 

    Published 18/11/16

    Message for parents and pupils who were going on the Argentina trip.

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  • Remembrance Day at the Cenotaph

    Published 16/11/16

    Remembrance Day Service at the Cenotaph

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  • Sports Caerphilly 5x60 Golf

    Published 15/11/16

    Golf after school every Wednesday - only £1!

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  • Education Begins at Home (TV Advert)

    Published 11/11/16

    This autumn you will see the latest TV advert encouraging parents/carers to support their children by the little things they do at home, by reading with them, making sure they have breakfast, taking an interest in their school life and giving them the confidence to do well. 

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  • Sixth Form Deloitte Initiative

    Published 09/11/16

    At St. Martin’s School, an enterprise challenge is currently being run by a number of the Sixth Form. The challenge involves a small group of Sixth form students who have the aim of raising as much money as possible for a charity in just 30 days.  For full details please see the attached letter.

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  • Road safety

    Published 08/11/16


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  • Article on our Awards Evening

    Published 08/11/16

    Below is a link to a news article on our recent awards evening.

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  • St Martin's Sixth Form Prospectus

    Published 04/11/16

    Sixth Form Prospectus

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  • Staff vs Students Netball Match

    Published 03/11/16

    Well done to our amazing staff netball team above.  They beat the pupils 21-11.  Not bad for a bunch of 'oldies'!

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  • Newsletter - Oct 2016

    Published 03/11/16

    Please see attached a copy of our latest newsletter (October 2016)

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  • Exam Dates for 2016-17

    Published 02/11/16

    Please see attached the generic exam dates for 2016-17.  There will also be controlled assessments, practical exams, orals and performance exams throughout the year, for which, no dates are yet available.  Please speak to the individual subject teachers for more information.

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  • Safe and secure removal of a chemical from site

    Published 02/11/16

    For Information -

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