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St Martin's School

St Martin's School

Virtual Learning Site

Latest News [Y Newyddion Diweddaraf]

Latest News Y Newyddion Diweddaraf

Latest News from St Martin's School

Page 36

  • Punctuality - Late Gate

    Published 20/01/17

    In order to raise levels of punctuality and reduce lateness, we will be operating 'late gate' from Monday 23rd January.

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  • Year 9 Options Evening

    Published 18/01/17

    Please see letter attached for further information regarding our Year 9 Options Evening.

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  • Medical/Dental Appointments

    Published 17/01/17

    We encourage parents to make appointments out of school hours. Where it is not possible then the medical appointment card should be shown to the school prior to the appointment or on return from the appointment. Without the evidence the absence will be coded as unauthorised.

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  • Busta Rhyme Poetry competition

    Published 16/01/17

    A massive congratulations to a large number of our wonderful pupils on being selected for publication by the Young Writers.  Please see attachment for further details

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  • Bag 2 School - Fundraising for PTA

    Published 13/01/17

    We will be sending each child home with a Bag 2 School on Monday and Tuesday next week.  If you have any good quality items of clothing or soft toys that you no longer need, we would be grateful if you could put them in the bag and return to school between 9th and 13th February.

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  • Uniform checks next week 

    Published 13/01/17

    Uniform checks will take place in school next week.

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  • Parent Governor Vacancy

    Published 04/01/17

    Would you like to be more involved in your child’s education? 

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  • Changes to Annual Reports

    Published 16/12/16

    In order to have a positive impact on the environment and reduce the school’s carbon footprint, Pupil Reports to parents will be issued electronically and emailed to parents from January 2017.

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  • Reporting Day Update

    Published 16/12/16

    Following our recent reporting day, follow up appointments and queries are now being concluded.

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  • Newsletter

    Published 15/12/16

    The attached buildings edition of the school newsletter highlights the building work, refurbishments and improvements that have taken place at St Martin's School.

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  • Term Dates 2016-18

    Published 15/12/16

    Please see the attached term dates 2016-18

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  • WJEC GCSE Spanish

    Published 15/12/16

    A new grading system is now in place for WJEC Spanish GCSE. 

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