Proposal for practical food/catering lessons
Proposal for practical food/catering lessons
Latest News from St Martin's School
Proposal for practical food/catering lessons
We are hold an information event during adult learner’s week at the ICC St James, Lansbury Park on the 20th June 9.30-1.00pm . We would like to invite the parents of both St Martin’s and St James.
Proposed change to the structure of the school day from September -
Please support our fundraising project to improve the outdoor seating at St. Martin's School for the students to enjoy at lunchtimes.
To do so you will need to vote, using the tokens given to you when you make a purchase within store of any value.
Please ask at checkout for the blue tokens if they aren't issued. If there are any problems with Tesco not being able to distribute the blue tokens please contact the school.
The title of our project is: St Martin's PTA - Seats for Sharing Project
Participating stores are;
Please ensure you arrive in plenty of time for the English exam tomorrow.
The exam starts at 9:00am but we need to ensure everybody is in to sit it!
Year 10 breakfast revision tomorrow (8am) will be in rooms 2, 3, 5 and 9. Lists are with your English teachers and displayed opposite the main entrance.
Please could we ask all ICT students to return their revision guides to the ICT department at their earliest convenience. Thank you.
After half term Mrs Avery will become the head of learning for year 7 to support our transition programme.
Here is the link to the Choir Rehearsal Folder for HYBU on the 30th June at the Motorpoint Arena.
If you are going from key stage 3 to key stage 4 and no longer need your red striped tie, providing it is in good condition, we will buy the tie back from you.
If you are leaving year 11 we will also buy back yellow striped ties.
Maths Revision for Year 11 pupils