Teaching and Learning [Dysgu ac Addysgu]
Teaching and Learning Dysgu ac Addysgu
At St. Martin's we have developed an exciting learning community where we aspire to maximise the learning potential of every pupil; the learners are centrally positioned within our school and are at the heart of everything we do. In fostering and nurturing our pupils' aspirations we enable them to achieve successful futures; they begin to realise their capabilities and extend ambitions beyond their own horizons.
We have the highest expectations of all pupils and our creative learning environments enable pupils to learn with passion, enthusiasm and motivation.
In developing the key skills of our pupils we ensure that they are fully equipped for the ever changing demands of the 21st Century.
At St. Martin's our supportive yet challenging learning culture enables our pupils to develop independence and autonomy in learning. With our guidance they are prepared for exciting futures and equipped with the skills as lifelong learners.