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St Martin's School

St Martin's School

Virtual Learning Site



Key Stage 3

Key Stages 3 Geography covers a wide range of Geographical principles and processes. Ranging from Map skills and National Parks to Coral Reefs and the Blood Diamond trade, we aim to make the world and the study of it exciting and imaginative. Research projects allow pupils to express themselves and demonstrate research skills in a creative way. High levels of class room discussion and group work allow pupils to guide their own learning and develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of all topics we cover across the key stage.

Key Stage 4 - GCSE

WJEC GCSE Geography adopts an enquiry approach to the study of geographical information, issues and concepts. It is based on the principle that geographical education should enable learners to become critical and reflective thinkers by engaging them actively in the enquiry process. Content is organised around key questions and learners should be encouraged to pose geographical questions of their own.

Fieldwork is an essential aspect of geographical education and of this qualification. It is placed at the heart of this specification and the St. Martin’s Geography teachers aim to embed fieldwork within our schemes of work. Learners can consolidate and extend their understanding of geographical concepts learned in the classroom by engaging with enquiries conducted outside of the classroom and school grounds. Furthermore, they will be challenged to apply what they have learned through specific fieldwork in local contexts to the wider context of UK geography. By posing enquiry questions, learners develop the ability to relate these concepts to real world situations in order to make sense of wider spatial patterns.

Key Stage 5 - AS/A Level

The WJEC AS and A level in Geography encourages learners to apply geographical knowledge, theory and skills to the world around them. In turn this will enable learners to develop a critical understanding of the world’s people, places and environments in the 21st Century. Learners should be able to develop both knowledge and understanding of contemporary geographical concepts together with transferable skills that will enable them to progress to higher education and a range of employment opportunities.

The focus of the specification is to develop an enthusiasm for and competence in geography by using contemporary real-world contexts, and through engagement with and practical application of fieldwork skills. This specification draws on both physical and human geography, and requires a minimum of 2 days of fieldwork in Y12 and 2 days in Y13.

The full A Level in Geography provides the basis for students who wish to proceed to Higher education to study a wide range of subjects including geography, medicine, law, biology, economics to name a few. It is also a route to business, teaching, town planning and government, as well as linking directly with environmental science and sustainability.

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