Key Stage 3
Pupils in key stage 3 receive one hour a fortnight of drama. Within these lessons pupils experience a range of topics exploring theatrical styles and texts. Lessons are structured to ensure all pupils develop to communication, cooperation and concentration skills. Pupils' progress is assessed once a term with a focus on creating, performing, and responding.
Topics include; Pantomime, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Greek Theatre, Frantic Assembly and various practitioners.
We follow the WJEC specifications for GCSE Drama. Pupils explore and extend the working methods of a variety of theatre companies such as Splendid Theatre and Frantic Assembly and practitioners such as Brecht, Stanislavski and Boal. Pupils are able to develop the ability to critically evaluate their own and others work.
Unit 1 -Devising Theatre
Pupils will create, develop and perform a piece of devised theatre based on either the work of a theatre practitioner or a genre in response to a stimulus set by WJEC. They must also complete a written evaluation of the devised performance under formal supervision
Unit 2- Performing Theatre
Learners participate in a performance based on two 10 minute extracts from a performance text of their own choice. Popular choices include; Bouncers, Sparkleshark and Girls Like That.
Unit 3 -Interpreting Theatre (Written Exam)
Section A: Set Text A series of questions on one set text explored as an actor, designer and director from a choice of five. Section B: Live Theatre Review.
AS Drama and Theatre Studies
Unit 1- Theatre Workshop
Candidates will create a piece of drama based on a reinterpretation of an extract from a prescribed list of texts. This work must be developed using the working methods of an influentional practitioner or theatre company. Students must also keep a creative log and complete an evaluation. The unit is internally marked, filmed and externally moderated.
Unit 2 -Text in Theatre (Written examination: 1 hour 30 minutes). A series of questions based acting and design on one performance text.
A2- Drama and Theatre Studies
Unit 3- Text in Action
Candidates will be assessed on either acting or design. They will participate in the creation, development and performance of two pieces of theatre based on a stimulus supplied by WJEC:
1) A devised piece using the techniques and working methods of either an influential theatre practitioner or a recognised theatre company (a different practitioner or company to that chosen for Unit 1).
2) A text in a different style chosen by the learner. Learners must produce a process and evaluation report within one week of completion of the practical work.
Unit 4- Text in Performance (Written examination: 2 hours 30 minutes)
Candidates must answer two questions, based on two different texts from a specified list.