Uniform & equipment
Uniform & equipment
With half term holidays, it may be a good time to check your child’s uniform and stock of equipment in their pencil cases.
In relation to uniform -
Over the last few weeks, we have been reminding students at the school of the uniform policy. We have found two main issues with uniform currently, both of which relate to our female students.
- The first is skirts that are very short and not at all suitable for school. Our expectation is that skirts reach the knee.
- The second is skin tight trousers, leggings and black jeans being worn. Our expectation is that trousers are not skin tight and of a tailored design.
May I also take this opportunity to remind you that we stock school uniform at retail prices in our school shop for ease of purchase.
In relation to equipment, children should have as a minimum
- Two black pens
- Two purple pens
- Two green pens
- A ruler
- A calculator
- Two pencils
- Eraser
- Sharpener
If a child is undertaking a specialist course such as art and design it may be necessary for them to have additional items that will assist their studies.
If you are able to ensure that your child has their pencil cases fully stocked ready for the start of a new term this would be extremely helpful.
A lesson is often delayed when a child does not have the basic equipment and needs to borrow items from the teacher or another child. This can be disruptive and slow the learning of the class.
If as a parent you need any support with this please do not hesitate to contact the school.
Thank you all for your continued support and I wish you all a very good half term holiday.
Mr Jarvis